

Sharing lessons learned with business owners  looking to update their copywriting, image preparation or video production for the small screen (websites and social media platforms). 

Do you need a coach who understands how to build storytelling into your marketing plan?

Tell me What You Hope to Achieve

Here is a list of previous engagements


2020-PRESENT Customized 1:1 Digital Content Coaching

2020 Marketing & Publicity Webinar featuring Holly Carinci for Stephanie Halber Coaching

2018 Personal Branding for Entertainment Pros – with HollyWords Publicity, Vancouver Web Festival

2018 Finding Your Personal Brand (Hair Designers)- With L’Oreal Pro, Suki’s Hair Salon

2015 Digital Storytelling Tactics: Using Images, Using Dialogue, Using Characters, Using Interactive

2014 Story Architecture Mini-Workshops: Various Clients

2013 Speachcrafters: The basics of Public Speaking

2012 Fall Toastmasters Conference: Creating a web video that sparks

2011 Projecting Change Film Festival: Welcome to Twitter Parlour: How to use Twitter beginner

and advanced sessions

2012 New Ventures YWCA/YMCA: The Truth about Social Media: Misconceptions about Online communication

2011 District 21 Toastmasters: Speaking for the Micro-Screen: Designing Video for the Internet

Marketing and Publicity Webinar Poster


Podcast Guest: Women Talking Tech, Crazy TV Talk, Backstage Vancouver

2015 Webinair: Building an Audience for your Web Series

2014 The International Web Series Festival: Audience Building Panel

2014 Social Media Lunch and Learn through Coupons4Giving.ca

2013 The Social Media Think Tank: Context Marketing Panel

2013 Social Media Club Vancouver: Moderator: Meet-ups from small to great

2012 BC Toastmasters PR panel: The role of Social Media in PR Strategy

2012 Social Media Week UBC Panel: Social Media is the New Game changer in entertainment


2014 Using Social Media and Transmedia to build a fan base: The BC Writer’s Association

2014 Learn 5 tactics to produce engaging Online videos: Vancouver Business Network

2014 Digital Storytelling Tools: Net Squared meet-up

2013 Featured as writers blog of Comic Writer Beven Thomas

2013 Mavins Podcast: Community Engagement Mavin

2013 The Social Media Think Tank: Digital Storytelling

2012 Guest Speaker: Langara College Small Business Studies: Bringing your Brand to Social Networks: Essential steps and tools

2012 Social Media Marketers Vancouver: Thru the looking glass: An overview of Augmented Reality technology

2012 SAP Toastmasters Group: How to design a Social Network for your group.

2012 Pod cast Online Optimization: The ROI of Social Media: What to look for and next steps

2012 Pod cast: Women’s Network Radio: Using Social Media to self-promote: How to pitch and position your business

2011 Independent Film Professionals: Communicate like an Art Director: Using visuals for effective communication

2010 Net Tuesday Unconference: Tips, Tricks and Time savers: Discussing collaborative Online tools

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